Just like how exchanges charge a transaction fee or brokers charge brokerage, Depository Participant(DP) charge is applicable whenever you sell shares from your demat account.

DP Charges are levied by the Depository (NSDL) and the Depository Participant (Kotak Securities). You can check the schedule of charges 

- Scroll down to Charges and go to "Demat Charges" tab

- Now scroll down to DP transaction charges

You can check the DP charges applicable to you according to your brokerage plan in the cash ledger.

The charges are levied on per day per stock basis for the stocks sold from your holdings irrespective of the quantity sold.

For example:

If you sell 10 shares of ABC in the morning and 10 shares of ABC in the evening, the DP transaction charges will be levied only once on that day for that particular stock.

While if you sell 10 shares of ABC in the morning and 10 shares of XYZ in the afternoon, the DP transaction charges would be levied twice i.e. once per each stock on that day.